Saturday, October 12, 2013

Infographic: Calories Burned in 60 Minutes

Source:, 2013 | Design: Sherry Umlah , 2013


The goal for this infographic is to convey the:
  • Number of calories burned in 60 minutes for various exercises
  • Difference in calories burned for people weighing 150lbs and 200lbs
  • Most effective 60-minute workouts in terms of calorie expenditure
Using activity icons and a pie chart as the face of the stopwatch helps accomplish the aim of this infographic.  It illustrates time, activity, and calorie expenditure.


Rationale for producing this infographic was based on the need to identify the most effective workout activities. Understanding calorie expenditure helps sprockFIT focus on the most effective activities when reviewing apps and gadgets.  Encouraging visitors to choose calorie-intensive activities will help them accomplish fitness goals quicker.

Data for 150lb and 200lb individuals was chosen to portray an average calorie expenditure.  Number of calories burned correlates to weight.  The pie chart represents the comparison of activities.

sprockFIT will focus more on gadgets and apps related to running, biking, and martial arts.  The infographic will be used within the FAQs page to illustrate calorie expenditure to visitors.


This infographic took more than 60 minutes to create.  Steps taken to create this infographic:
  1. Searched for calorie expenditure for a variety of exercises and found a handy calculator from
  2. Chose the most common activities and a representation of range (sedative to active)
  3. Created an Excel pie chart from data
  4. Took a screenshot
  5. Imported the screenshot into a graphics program
  6. Designed the stop watch in Adobe Illustrator
  7. Found icons for various activities
  8. Mashed it all together in Adobe Photoshop
Calorie expenditure for the above eight steps was estimated to be 140 calories.   Time to go burn some more!

How to Improve the Infographic

An interactive infographic would be awesome in this example.  Allowing visitors to enter in their weight to change the calories expended would be useful.

Know This: Calorie Expenditure Varies by Weight

Wonder why it's easier to drop the first five pounds and hardest to drop the last?  The more you weigh, the more you burn!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Infographic: 2012 Global Smartphone Operating System Market Share

Source: International Data Corporation, 2013 |  Design: Sherry Umlah, 2013

View a larger image in PDF format


Several goals for the infographic were identified. This infographic aims to convey:
  • Appealing data for geeks
  • Market share of smartphone operating systems (OSs)
  • Android OS's popularity
  • Android OS's consumption of other OSs
Creating a gaming-related visual that represents the Android OS as the 'Pac-Man' of OSs accomplishes these goals.  Designed for geeks!


Rationale for producing this infographic was based on the important need to understand sprockFIT's target market.  OS market share is important because it shows the largest audience to target.

Data from International Data Corporation (IDC) was used because it's a credible source in the industry.

sprockFIT will review more Android OS apps and use this infographic on the FAQs page to justify focusing on Android OS users.


Creating this infographic was easy as pie.  Steps taken to create this infographic:
  1. Watched the tutorial on Infographics: Area Bubbles
  2. Searched for statistics for smartphone OSs and market share
  3. Settled on data from IDC as a foundation
  4. Created an Excel pie chart from data
  5. Took a screenshot
  6. Imported the screenshot into a graphics program
  7. Edited colors and arrangement to mimic Pac-Man game design
  8. Saved the file in PNG format and PDF format for larger viewing
Eh voila! Seven easy steps to creating an infographic. It packs a punch, right?

How to Improve the Infographic

Imagine if this baby was animated?  Now, THAT would be imPACtful.

Know This: Great Tutorials are Online

Interested in learning how to make infographics?  You should check out's tutorials!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Semester Project Progress: 10/07/2013

This Week's Update: