Friday, September 20, 2013

sprockFIT - Blog Post Sample

Note to reader: A blog component will be part of the sprockFIT web site, to highlight certain products/trends/techniques in greater depth.  Below is a sample post typical of the kind one might find on the sprockFIT web site.

Pain Kills Motivation

All it takes is a single bend in the wrong direction to set your training back weeks.  For those new to exercise, twisting the wrong way can result in pain and destroy the motivation needed to meet fitness goals.  When it comes to achieving your goals, learning how to exercise with lower risk for injury can make all the difference!

Technology Helps You Exercise Right

How do you know if you're doing it right?  Not everyone can afford a trainer to right their wrongs and cheer them along.  There's another way you can get personal feedback!  Check out's Move technology: a 'wearable garment that guides you toward optimal performance and precision in movement.'

How Does This Technology Work?

The Move clothing technology measures your movement and provides feedback when you're off.  Many exercise types, such as pilates and yoga, require proper form. This technology analyzes and assesses your technique.  If your movement is incorrect, you get 'real-time feedback that feels like a subtle nudge in the location of your body that needs adjustments.'

Learn more about the Move garment at

Share your experience below if you've tried this technology!

1 comment:

  1. Great to offer a sample post! You are already cooking with gas.
