Sunday, December 8, 2013

About the sprockFIT Project

sprockFIT helps tech-savvy people find the right apps and gadgets to help them accomplish their wellness goals.  The site targets its audience by:

- mobile operating system
- fitness level
- activity type

Site visitors can quickly find technologies that meet their exact needs.

About sprockFIT’s Site & Content
sprockFIT fans learn about technologies and find support through:

- reviews of apps and gadgets
- a directory of online resources for wellness and nutrition
- links to fitness-related communities
- top ten lists for inspiration

In addition to this content, visitors can rate and review apps themselves.  They can also submit their apps or products for review via the contact form.

Visitors can learn about the app of the week and new technologies through the weekly sprockFIT newsletter.

About the Future of sprockFIT
The format of a blog works well for quick scanning of reviews.  However, future site development will include a mobile-friendly directory that can be accessed even more easily.  Screenshots of this prototype are below.

About sprockFIT’s Audience

Addressing Audience Needs
sprockFIT’s audience is both fit and tech-savvy.  Their needs are addressed by providing short reviews targeting active lifestyles.  Content is concise.  

Content Tone
No explanations of technical terms or promises of support are provided as sprockFIT’s audience is technical.  The tone of the content matches the intellect level of technical users, yet still maintains an ‘active’ (not dry) vibe.

Content Targeting
Based on research, sprockFIT focuses mainly on apps for Android and iOS devices.  These are most popular and represent the largest audience. 

Since many fitness enthusiasts are triathletes, sprockFIT also focuses on apps and gadgets related to running, swimming, and cycling. 

About sprockFIT’s Successes and Challenges

Celebrating Successes
sprockFIT is successful in providing detailed, yet concise, reviews.  Mobile users can scan the site quickly, find, and download apps.

The site is also successful in creating opportunities for audience engagement.  Visitors can review apps, contribute ideas, and send feedback.

Addressing Challenges
The greatest challenge confronted with this project is the time required to find, install, and review apps for various devices.  This challenge could be met by having more than one author writing future reviews and focusing on iOS and Android apps only.