Friday, September 20, 2013

sprockFIT: Get Healthy With Gadgetry

sprockFIT - Get Healthy With Gadgetry

What is sprockFIT?

Learn about the latest exercise technology and gadgetry including:
  • exercise equipment and electronics
  • mobile apps and desktop software for training
  • virtual health and wellness communities designed to educate and motivate
sprockFIT highlights the latest tools and software to help you achieve your fitness goals using technology.

Technology Creates Couch Potatoes

Technology gets a bad rap for contributing to sedentary lifestyles.
The couch potato falls victim to:
  • video game consoles
  • surfing the web
  • watching t.v.

The more often we use technology, the less active we become.  Isn't that true?


Improve Your Health With Technology

Technology can better our health!  While it can enable a couch potato lifestyle, instead, we could use software, hardware, mobile apps, and gadgets to:
  • track workouts with pedometers and GPS trackers
  • find support and accountability in online communities
  • measure our progress over time

Technology isn't such a bad guy when it comes to our our well-being.  It's how we use technology that matters.


Exercise is Easier With SprockFIT

You can lose weight and gain muscle mass easily with help from SprockFIT.  It's an online site where Mister Spock and The Rock (hence Sprock) would both feel at home. 

Achieve your health and wellness goals through visiting SprockFIT and learning about the latest exercise technology and gadgets that will make exercising easier.  Get healthy today!

Mister Spock vs. The Rock

Geeks and Jocks have been rivals throughout American history. While Americans' views on which label is more favorable are changing, there's still an understanding that the two are segregated.


Brains, Brawn, or Both?

We can argue about:
  • who is more attractive
  • who is smarter
  • which label we would rather wear as an identity
Why are we limiting ourselves to being either/or, though?

Why Can't a Jock be a Geek? 

Couldn't jocks be more effective if they utilized the technological powers of geeks to track their workouts and progress?

Why Can't Geeks be Jocks? 

Couldn't geeks better their dating chances (nevermind their health) by gaining more muscle mass?

Joining Forces

Imagine if these sub-cultures joined forces and shared their strengths and smarts to form every girl's dream guy: Mister Spock on steroids. Eh voila: A man who possesses both brains AND brawn.

Today's Society: Tech-Savvy & Health-Conscious

As we become more tech-savvy and grow more health-conscious, the gap between geeks and jocks narrows. Our definition of attractiveness has evolved to include intelligence and geeky traits. The image of the 'dumb jock' is fading as college coaches emphasize their players' academic capabilities.

The Geek and Jock All-in-One

Today, we have the technology and the awareness of health needed to be all we can be, physically and mentally. We can use technology to better our health. We can have it all.

sprockFIT - Blog Post Sample

Note to reader: A blog component will be part of the sprockFIT web site, to highlight certain products/trends/techniques in greater depth.  Below is a sample post typical of the kind one might find on the sprockFIT web site.

Pain Kills Motivation

All it takes is a single bend in the wrong direction to set your training back weeks.  For those new to exercise, twisting the wrong way can result in pain and destroy the motivation needed to meet fitness goals.  When it comes to achieving your goals, learning how to exercise with lower risk for injury can make all the difference!

Technology Helps You Exercise Right

How do you know if you're doing it right?  Not everyone can afford a trainer to right their wrongs and cheer them along.  There's another way you can get personal feedback!  Check out's Move technology: a 'wearable garment that guides you toward optimal performance and precision in movement.'

How Does This Technology Work?

The Move clothing technology measures your movement and provides feedback when you're off.  Many exercise types, such as pilates and yoga, require proper form. This technology analyzes and assesses your technique.  If your movement is incorrect, you get 'real-time feedback that feels like a subtle nudge in the location of your body that needs adjustments.'

Learn more about the Move garment at

Share your experience below if you've tried this technology!